How to Get a Non-Surgical Facelift for Facial Rejuvenation

Ageing is a natural process; it’s something that we all have in common. Our skin also goes through the same process. Collagen and elastin are depleted, and our fat pads become thinner. The result is skin that appears hollow or saggy. Areas most commonly affected will include the skin under the eyes, the cheeks, and the jawline (commonly called ‘jowls’).

Surgical Intervention

We are lucky enough to have access to a wide range of treatments that have been developed to address the problem areas that are often highlighted as aesthetics we want to change. Surgical facelifts are very invasive and will often require a stay in hospital; after all it is major surgery that requires patients to be placed under a general anaesthetic. Additionally, this level of intervention can be extremely expensive, and the risks are much higher than with less invasive procedures.

The Evolution of Facelifts

Looking for procedures for non surgical facelift in Dublin, it has become apparent that there are now even more options available to consumers. As skincare regimens become more sophisticated and our understanding of dermatology grows, there are a wider range of treatments available that avoid the surgical route altogether.

The 8 point face lift focuses on the whole face, rather than highlighting just one area. By treating all of the common problems areas, the overall results are balanced. Fillers restore volume, symmetry, and definition to the face, all of which are affected as part of the ageing process. Hyaluronic acid is also present in the fillers, which can hold several times its weight in water, so the skin holds onto moisture more effectively, and the benefits of well-moisturised skin are plentiful and well-documented.

How Will It Work?

In terms of results, the effects are immediate, and patients can expect to see improvements over the next two to four weeks as part of the settling period. Most people find that every 12 months is a reasonable time to leave between repeat treatments. As for the treatment itself, the specialists use local anaesthetic as part of the fillers themselves, with the express purpose of making the customer more comfortable. There are other options available to make the process smoother for patients, which can be discussed. Numbing cream is also used at the sites of injection.

8 point facelift

Whilst there are no particular requirements for treatment, patients typically start to notice signs of ageing on their skin around the age of 35, which tends to be a popular age for people to look into regimens that slow the process. We often recommend this in combination with PRP/Vampire facial to achieve a total resurfacing of the skin as well as restoring definition to give a complete facial rejuvenation package.

Post-procedure, patients can continue with their normal daily activities, making the 8-point facelift a hugely convenient option for those with an extremely busy schedule that would otherwise find it difficult to allocate time for a more invasive surgical option. There are some recommendations to avoid vigorous activities for up to 14 days after the treatment, in order to minimise swelling and make the settling period a much smoother process.

Summary: In a competitive market where a lot of consumers are almost instantly priced out of the market for cosmetic surgery, people are increasingly turning towards non-surgical procedures that strive to achieve the same results as more invasive surgery, underlining the need for facilities for non-surgical facelift in Dublin.

For more information or to arrange a free consultation with Dr. Altona, please email the clinic